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  • Writer's pictureAmber Drake de Sousa

Raising My Daughter

There’s so much yet so little to type here I don’t even know where to start. I went back to the farm for a few days, which is always nice in one aspect, but I don’t like not having much freedom because I don’t know how to do things. I didn’t get to ride the horses because the guys were out riding the only 2 tame ones all day (the other one just had a foal who died, so I think they’re resting her a bit). So I spent most of the time sitting around talking to my sister-in-law and watching Audrey. Audrey loves the farm, but Cesar sold all his cows (steer, I believe) to start buying female cows which, being productive, PRODUCE! :) haha.

We came back and I continue to spend most of my time between his mom’s house and his brother’s house. It’s hard because I feel like I never get away and never have a moment to really process things together with Cesar because we’re always around people. Cesar’s very nervous, not believing very strongly in the idea of us being in the States by Christmas, and he and his mom never stop talking about ways to make money, which is also tiring to me.

Cesar wants to sell everything and wanted to sell my iphone so badly that he promised I could keep the money and buy a horse with it. So I guess that’s what I’ll do. Most likely the horse will be mine, but Cesar will also use it for gathering the cows on the farm. I’m leaning towards a mare, again with the idea that should she produce, I could either sell the foals or would have more to use on the farm.

Now for the title topic, raising Audrey. It’s so difficult here with so many local superstitions on what causes what, and my mother-in-law is very passionate about her superstitions (and extremely miseducated– she puts sugar in the newborn baby’s formula and thinks it’s necessary). She doesn’t get the sleep she needs and is difficult to put down for naps (perhaps because of all the people in and out everywhere in this house). Of course, to me she’s always an angel, but it’s exhausting. I never thought I’d be that person who missed being alone in my own apartment, but it’s reached that point. I miss the time where I could veg for 2 hours in front of the TV and watch a decent program (I’ve been downloading a movie to rent for about 2 weeks… that’s how bad the internet is here).

In any case, it is what it is. In just under 2 months, I’ll be back in the States for a few weeks. Pray for Cesar’s documents to go through processing in a miraculous way. They’ve already been received by the office that needs to process them, sooo…. they just need to be processed and pray for approval.

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