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He wears his pain like a uniform

"She'd never met the man. But she knew him. Knew how the bitterness could eat at one, pnawing away until there was nothing left but sinew...

Our Favorite KC Brunch Options

It summer! And summer in KC means getting out in the sun, pick your own farms, food trucks and activities galore. I never feel I can do...

Finally Cuba

It's taken a while to get this down, and I'm still not confident I will be able to express just what I want the way I would like. I've...

USA, Cuba and Brazil

The year 2017 has already been a hectic year for our family! We started the year with classes in preparation for Audrey and I to go to...

Easy Pancakes from Scratch

I recently realized that I had very limited ingredients but we really truly wanted pancakes. And so I began my search. Yes, I found many...

The Healing Power of a Mommy Sandwich

Do you remember in high school when teachers encouraged you to write in "train of thought" style? It is 1:50AM and suddenly I got to...

A Journal Shared is a Journey for Life

Today Audrey and I had what I could only rightly call a discussion and I have decided there's a big and important difference between a...

What's in a Pun?

Is your dad the king of all things cheesy? I can tell you mine is. He has cracked us up for years with ridiculous wordplay and puns....

Pride, Humility and Education

The words for various types of prejudice abound-- racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, etc. However, in the church (and I don't speak of my...

The "I" Becomes "We" in Compassion

Just last month, I was interpreting at a conference after some time visiting my family in Pennsylvania and this long circular trip was...

Traveling to Italy with Taste

Have you ever looked at a book and fallen in love? Do you believe in book love at first sight? When this book came in the mail, I knew...

Celebrating Courageous

I believe many of you reading this may know what it means to not feel good enough. Some of you may have even explored the depths that...

An Obsession to Devour

Hi. My name is Amber and I am a Klassenaholic and I have a confession to make-- I've been holding out on you. I apologize. I should have...

What to Expect in Paris Street Style?

I'd like to consider myself a sort of coloring book enthusiast/ fashion designer halfway hobbiest. I have no formal art training, but...

Same Kind of Different as Me: A Review

by all, Rob, Denver Moore & Lynn Vincent "Why, he wondered, did rich people call it sushi while poor people call it bait?" ""It's just a...

Strive for More

It's been a while since I've written because sometime in January, as I was teaching at EMT, my computer broke and I have yet to replace...

Christmas Sentimentality

About a week before Christmas, our family of three joined other families from around the world. It was not in itself a Christmas...

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