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  • Writer's pictureAmber Drake de Sousa

What Really Happened

To keep you up to date on the actual happenings, I thought it necessary to not only post the previous two theory posts, but also the general goings-on here in Brazil this past week.

First exciting moment– Cesar bought me a horse. It was a great thought and gesture and he is absolutely beautiful, but unfortunately not tame enough for a girl who knows next to nothing about horse riding, so he’s become Cesar’s work horse, which he needed anyway. I think I’ll just stick with my nephew’s super duper uber calm mare who is easing towards retirement at a rapid rate. At least Cesar’s (formerly my) horse has a good use and Cesar bought a good saddle for him which improved Cesar’s mood ten-fold when he comes back from working with the cows on the horse all day.

First not-so-great moment – Not sure if I mentioned this in a previous post, but our business back in the States got robbed…. again. Can’t wait to tie up all lose ends on that project and get back into doing houses in happy neighborhoods. Going back in August, if there’s any thought (in the slightest) of going into questionable neighborhoods like this again, I’m adding tools on our liability policy.

I ate armadillo today. If anything tastes like chicken, it’s armadillo. The meat was actually more tender than the chickens on the farm that we’ve eaten. Chicken meat here tends to be pretty tough. The poor things maybe used too much of their muscle… I think? Wish I knew something about raising yummy chickens.

I really really really miss our little Brazilian church in Lenexa, KS. We’ve gone to several churches here and walked out of two of them– not out of rudeness, because nobody even really noticed. The churches were too big and there was so much chatter everywhere and kids running around outside that I couldn’t understand the announcements, let alone any preaching that might be going on. Besides that, I just miss the people we saw day in and day out, going out after church, summer get-togethers (which I’d hoped we would get to take part in and didn’t), and Audrey having kids she was familiar with to play and learn with. Much love to you all!

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