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  • Writer's pictureAmber Drake de Sousa

God Lets You Know

I’m starting to write this and am still unsure with how to explain the way these past few days have played out. But God is speaking no matter how things end up. It’s like He’s saying, “Amber, you’re not stuck. You have dreams, and if you wanted you can choose.” It’s also like He’s saying, “Chill. I’ve got your back. You act like you’ve never heard the song ‘Jehova Jireh.’”

So Cesar has gotten several here and there jobs that are actually providing more than his steady jobs had before. It’s weird, but good. You never know what tomorrow’s going to bring. And then last night I was asked to preach this Saturday, which was a blessing no one (not even Cesar) knew I was missing.

THEN, there came today. Today started off on the wrong foot, but that’s because we’re ignorant creatures. Cesar had a meeting but the numbers got mixed up and we never did figure out who is who and where we were supposed to be, which frustrated Cesar and he started going through his call list. Which is where we stumbled on the most random (which isn’t all that random if it’s from God) potential project. I’m not giving details because to me it’s kind of like the first few months that I was pregnant after having lost the first pregnancy– I don’t want to tell everybody everything and then things not come through. It’s only potential with nothing guaranteed. Just another job not unlike the others we have had before. Please pray for steady work for Cesar.

Which brings me to something else that excited me– my lawyer from Cesar’s process contacted me about a job opening in her office. I’m not taking the job because I am committed to what I do at home, but it is exciting to know that if I were looking for work, I would have options. And it’s a privilege to think that I might be of help to multiple cultures no matter where I am. What a confirmation!

I’m also excited to say that even though I haven’t been successful with Thirty-one (yet), I have many potential Mary Kay friends and my sister seems to be set up for an amazing start! It’s all worth it if she can be successful at this. Whitney, I’m praying for you, and if you’re as dedicated to selling Thirty-one as you are to everything else you do, I think you can make the Early Start goals and then some! Go for it! I’m excited!!!!

Now, tonight is girls’ night with some great friends. What a great way to end a potential-filled day.

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