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  • Writer's pictureAmber Drake de Sousa

It Was the End of Times It Was the Center

This post will probably go through various edits, but keep watching as I fill it out little by little. Ironically, it wasn’t long ago on this very same blog that I claimed I would not divulge my thoughts on the end of times for anything, but after watching one person after another claim to know for a “fact” that we are close to that rapture, trib, etc., the last one may have pushed me to balance the scales a little bit.

Many end of times claims come from some very truly false prophets, which is something to add to both sides of the argument. Date after date passes in which such and such a prophet claims that something would happen and… oh… what a surprise! Doesn’t! Does this mean I don’t believe in prophecy? Absolutely not! It does mean that their were false prophets from the time of Moses. It’s not necessarily a sign of the times as it is a sign that we haven’t really changed much at all. Prophecy should be tested and should have some sort of biblical foundation (hint: other pet peeve is revelations of hell and heaven which may or may not happen, but which are blindly followed as if the words came straight from the Bible. Have you ever noticed that most of such testimony does not use a single biblical stronghold?)

Moving on. FACT: The BIBLE (is that still your sole authority, my dear Christian?) says that we do not know the day or time. Now, I will clarify before I am misunderstood:

1– I am not opposed to the Book of Revelations

2– I am not disagreeing or claiming that we are not in the “end times”

3– I am not against the strange, the supernatural, the whoa that’s weird and a God-thing things.

That being said, let’s think about this for a moment. Let’s talk the ins and outs of this end of times topic. It’s not like I’m saying anything new. And guess what…? Neither are you. Several passages of the NT were written because the citizens in that time believed they were living in the “end times.” HUGE world events happened afterwards which would have been valid verification of any number of apocalyptic prophesy. Never before events happen every day… and many events have happened time and time again. [This is one of those areas I will fill with examples when I am done writing this rough draft]

Next, I do not claim to be millenial, pre-trib nor post trib. There are valid arguments for each theory, but they are just theories. The entire OT was just a theory, and the most popular belief among Jews of the time was (according to Christians, and I am writing as a Christian to a Christian audience) was not what we consider to be the TRUE fulfillment of those prophesies. So if the “popular” church claims pre-trib allegiances, why am I not jumping on that wagon? The fact is, I’m not afraid to say that I don’t know. I just know that I do want to be open to God revealing Himself according to His perfect plan, whatever that may be. What if God decided to run the world through those tribulations as translated by popular belief? Alright, then put me on that train to heaven along with all those saints and get me home! But what if He decides not to take his most powerful weapons out of the world? What if He built the church as a solid testimony through the worst of times? Think about these three points;

1– If God did not save John the Baptist, Paul, Stephen and thousands of other martyrs over the centuries, why would He save all of us in a time where we might be an amazing testimony?

2– Is there reference to a third coming as insinuated by pre-tribbers anywhere in the Bible (other than loose translations of prophetic illustration)?

3– Where does the church seem to grow the most? (Answer: In areas of persecution!)

The church grows strongest under truly hard times. Again, not saying I’m post trip or millenial or whatever other theory. But what if? What if pre-tribbers were asked to stick out the tribulations they so fear? Are they prepared for that? Because being prepared for glory and party is easy, but preparing for the pain, now that’s difficult.

To be continued as I formulate my ideas. Check back on this post because I think I will edit this post as opposed to adding posts to addend or whatever. Would it help if I colored all text that I add so that you can skip parts you’ve already read?

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