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  • Writer's pictureAmber Drake de Sousa

An Active and Educational Year

Those who follow Audrey's home studies blog know what I mean by the educational part of this year. These past 3 months in particular have been full of field trips and experiences, friends.... and sales! That's right! I've joined with Usborne Books and More! So you're saying, Amber, oh dear sweet Amber, you are no sales person. Nothing you have ever sold turned into much. Eh, maybe. But so far I'm winning out (even if I spend and give most of my profit) on this one. Why? Because it's not a job for me. This is just to get some deals and books for Audrey. The books are neat and have become a huge part in Audrey's learning (when we aren't on field trips and sometimes when we are). So I decided that if I sell anything at all, it will help me spend less on her books. Add to that the many book vendor options and the fundraising possibilities, I am raising funds and/or books for a new cause every month and Audrey really gets into it. At one point, she had cards in front of her and was telling anyone who came near her how much they were and for what! Yay! Yet another learning opportunity.

In October, Audrey turned five and in September we celebrated by going to Disney. Cesar complained some about the walking, but as I look at the picture, I feel privileged to have a record of Audrey's excitement and sheer joy at the experience.

Cesar is working as usual, perhaps even more. Business is very good and we are slowly but surely working our way out of debt. He preached in the Brazilian church and often speaks at the prayer services. He is more passionate every day and while we still often argue specific theology, it is fun to see him bloom.

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